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How to Disable AD Connect Sync
To disable AD Connect sync, you need to use this command from an elevated PowerShell ISE or command line: Set-MsolDirSyncEnabled to $false. It is very important that you run this command prior to uninstalling AD Connect. Azure Active Directory needs AD Connect...
Frequently Asked Questions
Add a User
Gather the data you need to add the user, such as username, Job Title, and Department
- Open Office Admin active users page: https://admin.microsoft.com/#/users
- Select: Add a user (Keyboard shortcut Shift+A+U)
- Fill out user information
- Assign a strong password
- Set “Require this user to change their password when they first login”
- If desired, select to send password via email and select email address
- Next
- Select location
- Assign appropriate product license. (In some cases, you will want to create user without product license. For example, an admin-only account.)
- Next
- Select admin role only for administrative accounts. Most users will have no admin center access. If you are uncertain, choose no admin center access.
- Open Profile Info and fill out appropriate information, such as Job Title, Department, and Office Phone
- Next
- Review settings to ensure they are correct
- Finish Adding
- If desired, save the settings you just used as a template using “Save as Template”
- Close
Restore a File
Open Office admin and restore the file
Edit in Local Word or Word Online
Use the three dots to select to edit in local Word vs Online Word
Share a file with someone in my organization
Select the file and share it.
Add a group
Open your Office admin and add a group
Revert to a Previous Version of a File
Go into DropSuite admin and select file to be reverted.
Export Journaled Email for Court
Go into DropSuite Admin, search for the emails needed, then export.
Share a file with someone outside my organization
If your organization allows it, open the file, share, and enter the external email addresses of the people you want to share with.